Poll day & Post Poll – Colours for the exhibitSession 2: Issues, Emerging and Future challenges, Innovative Initiatives /Best practices , Past learnings and Way forward.
Topics to be Covered:
A. Electoral backsliding (protection of electoral integrity) - Poll Booth management, The Future of voting: - Voters identifications/FRS/Biometrics voting compartments, colour coding, webcasting, Effective Monitoring and e-Voting,e-Balloting . And Inclusive approach, accessibility, and participation - Ecosystem for vulnerable groups (women/other marginalized sections of the society and physically challenged people)
B. Post Poll: Transparent and accountable Strong room & Counting (Strong room -Digi Lock, Counting, OCR, Conflict management increasing voter turnout)
C. Technological Tool in Election: Legal implication.
Suggested Modality:
I. Presentation - SEC Bihar 15 mins
II. Key note address by Prof.(Dr.)Anirudh Prasad and Dr.Kumar Gaurav Assistant Professor Chanakya law University& Sri Digvijay Singh Central University, Gaya, Sri Prabhat Kumar IT dept. Consultant: 15 mins
III.Panel Discussion consisting of Smt. Nilam Sawhney, Hon’ble SEC Adhra Pradesh, Election Commissioner (s), Present/Former SEC (s), Eminent academicians/journalist/ Authors/ Activist other professional(s): 20 mins
IV. Open House Q&A: 5 mi